Import and Export Pages and Column Data Types
You can import and export .uafx files containing page or column data type data.

To import a page or column data type:
Click the Imports tab in the left-hand pane.
The Import uafx file screen is displayed.
- Enter the required import details.
The import fields available are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
File and path | The .uafx file to import into the database. Click the Browse button to open a window where users can navigate to and select the required .uafx file to import. |
Do not check release version | Whether to import pages that were in a previous release. If not selected, users are prevented from importing if the release version differs from the current version in Screen Manager. |
Allow re-importing of builds that have previously been imported | Whether builds that have previously been imported can be re-imported. |
Import entity as copy of original |
Whether to clone the page on import. Select this check box when importing a screen from another ebs system (for example: another customer) that is not sharing a common set of Master sequences. This creates a new page in your system, allocating new IDs that are unique to your database. This option is only available when importing a single page. |
Click the Import button.
The selected .uafx file is imported, with a count of the import results displayed and the result details including any warnings and/or errors shown in the grid.

To export a page or column data type:
Do one of the following:
Select the page you want to export in the Pages tab
Select the column data type you want to export from the Column Data Types tab
Click the Export button in the Page group of the System Configuration Commands ribbon.
The Select destination for the output file window is displayed.
Navigate to a suitable location to save the file, and then click Save.
The .uafx file is created and saved in the specified location.